Tom is an attorney and one of the co-founders of New Partners Consulting in Washington, D.C. He has over 20 years of experience in Democratic politics, beginning on the Clinton-Gore Presidential campaign in 1992. After serving in the Clinton Administration at both the White House and the Pentagon, Tom has since managed successful campaign operations at the federal, state, and local level.
For the past six years, Tom has managed numerous issue advocacy and affinity building campaigns, both online and offline, on behalf of Fortune 500 companies and coalitions seeking to build broad based support in order to advance their legislative priorities. Tom also continues to provide ongoing strategic advice to international political and elected leaders throughout Europe, Australia and Canada on building broad based campaign operations and integrating social media and technology into existing campaign and communication operations.
From 2005-2009, Tom served as Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee. There he was the principal architect of the innovative “50 State Strategy” and oversaw the creation and implementation of a national voter file and social media peer-to-peer platforms that transformed the Democratic Party and resulted in historic electoral gains in both 2006 and 2008, thereby laying the groundwork for President Obama’s historic win in 2008. In those four years, Tom helped modernize an outdated political infrastructure into a vibrant, well-functioning national party organization. Additionally, Tom spearheaded the integration of new and emerging technologies to support party objectives.